Bacchus Marsh College has been busy with a number of recent building projects, and now boasts brand new state of the art facilities for:
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): a STEM Centre and Materials Technology Facility including a Project Yard
- Year 9 Learning Community Centre
- Ecolinc (our state-wide centre for excellence in Science and Technology)
- Food, Hospitality and VCAL Centre (Applied Learning Program for senior students)
- Library Resource Centre
- “The Avenue” multi-purpose room
- Year 8 Learning Community Precinct (estimated completion: late Term 2, 2021)

In addition we are also fortunate to have:
- A well-equipped Sports and Leisure Centre, and access to Community Sport and Recreation facilities, including swimming pool, tennis courts, parks and sporting grounds
- A Music Centre, including music technology, instrumental music practice rooms and recording studios
- Well-resourced facilities that cater for Art, Studio Arts, Visual Communication and Design Technology, including Textiles, Wood, Metal, Plastics, Robotics and Systems Engineering.
There are further plans for upgrades, including recreational spaces and grounds enhancements, so stay tuned for updates!